[Sparks of Light for the Underprivileged] Teacher’s Day Crafting with Rumah Anak Kesayangan

9 May 2023

It’s Teacher’s Day and the kids of Rumah Anak Kesayangan are in the Base to design personalised Teacher’s Day greeting cards!

Picking their favourite colour pencil, coloured-pen, and a plethora of stickers… the greeting cards were beautifully adorned, all exudes their own unique style – with little guidance from our staff.

To add a tad of fun in there for the kids, we had a sand art painting for them as well. The words uttered amidst the noises were “Saya nak biru (I want blue)”, “Nak kuning (Want yellow)” etc. Spilling of sands and the snatching of spoons were common sightings as their overspilling eagerness outweighs their patience.

It was a brief session but certainly a fulfilling one!