Mock 2



5G RF Platform…

timeless masterpiece!

Wireless communication, connectivity, mobile, consumer electronics, automotive infotainments and many things in our lives are now equipped with Radio Frequency and cellular/5G network.

AMB7600-series testers have participated in the evolution of the growth of this sector since the 3G era. We learned from the past, deliver to present needs, and plan for the future. The accumulation of experience, wisdom and skills make AMB7600-SR a masterpiece.

Like a cheetah

delivering performance and accuracy!

When AMB7600-SR interfaces with techFlow™ test executive software, the true power reveals. The test program developers could really make use of the tools, features, libraries and functions to build a tester, specific to their requirements.

The Differentiator:
  • Split tests, parallel, index-parallel, multi-sites, direct docking, etc., you name it, they are all possible
  • Hardware abstraction layer helps preserve your developed codes for as long as it takes
  • Choose between fast time-to-production using built-in libraries or have full control over your own codes