What’s Up at
Drop by anytime!
“Can we pop into Aemulus Base when we are in town?” Most definite. Our doors are wide-open 24/7. We never turn down our Guests…
Events? Projector, refreshments, mics… These are the starter pack of any self-hosted events – we called that the Essentials. Guests welcoming, top-notch hospitality, Hotel-standards setup, A-graded meals are done effortlessly.
It is a NORM – to see unfamiliar faces in and about Aemulus Base. Scurrying past The Town Hall, sitting cross-legged at Upper Walhalla Hall, mesmerised by the grandeur of our Base just to name a few.
And our Staff (you may ask)? We prioritise their well-being. Social activities, team buildings, leisure…are organised to instil togetherness and inclusiveness. Work together, play together. That’s our motto.